The Lourcey Photography Blog

Larry Lourcey
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Letter From Dad

"Letter from Dad" The latest addition to my ONE Project is a portrait of Gregory Daniel and a letter from his father. It is a pretty cool story- enjoy

Letter From Dad

Larry Lourcey

Hi and welcome to my blog!I do my best
to keep things updated and give you a look at things happening behind the scenes here at Lourcey Photography. Although I've been a professional photographer for over 20 years, I'm also semi-famous for my pizza and bread making. So follow along and enjoy the adventure. And don't be afraid to leave a comment and say hello!

"Letter from Dad"

The latest addition to my ONE Project is a portrait of Gregory Daniel and a letter from his father.  It is a pretty cool story- enjoy


“Dear Son,

Tomorrow at 2153 hours Apollo 17 will be launched for its flight to the moon ending man’s ventures to the moon for the present time.”

This is the beginning to a letter my dad wrote me on December 5th, 1972.  He was one of the major players in the space program heading up the launch pads.  You may have seen him placing the astronauts into the vehicle each time.  He was personal friends with each of the brave and crazy astronauts which made growing up rather unique.  

He goes on to encourage me to keep up the good work and become one of our great world leaders in any profession I choose.  

This letter is so important to me because it was a time capsule that was not read by me until he had passed.  His wish was that I would achieve success to the best of my abilities and be proud of my job and country.  

Well dad your wish came true and you are a giant in my eyes!

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The Box

The Box

This latest ONE Project portrait features the incredible Meg and her box full of letters. It is a fantastic story-enjoy!

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Rebecca's Bicycle

Rebecca's Bicycle

Rebecca's Bicycle - The ONE Project

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Cris' Bunny

Cris' Bunny

Cris' Bunny

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Let's tell your story with a portrait!

Imagine capturing a moment in time and being able to return to it forever.  A truly timeless portrait goes beyond how someone looks- it tells a story.

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