The Lourcey Photography Blog

Larry Lourcey
last updated on
August 7, 2015

Judging The Best of The Best

August 7, 2015

A Week Of Inspiration I just returned from Altanta after spending the week at Gwinett Technical College judging at PPA’s International Photographic Competition.  Every year, judges from around the country get together for a week to judge the best photography from around the world.  It is truly an ex...

Judging The Best of The Best

Larry Lourcey

Hi and welcome to my blog!I do my best
to keep things updated and give you a look at things happening behind the scenes here at Lourcey Photography. Although I've been a professional photographer for over 20 years, I'm also semi-famous for my pizza and bread making. So follow along and enjoy the adventure. And don't be afraid to leave a comment and say hello!

A Week Of Inspiration

I just returned from Altanta after spending the week at Gwinett Technical College judging at PPA’s International Photographic Competition. Every year, judges from around the country get together for a week to judge the best photography from around the world. It is truly an exciting and inspiring week.

Over the course of the week, we judged over 5,200 images – then judged the top images again for the PPA Loan Collection.

There was live streaming of the judging and even an internet TV show – IPCLive. In case you missed my appearances on there, I’ll see if I can find a link! 🙂

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Susan's Letters - part of the ONE Project

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My Favorite Photoshop Filters

My Favorite Photoshop Filters

I get a lot of emails asking which Photoshop filter plugins I use on my images.  By far, my favorites are the Topaz filters.  I like the fact that they offer easy-t0-use presets, but also allow you to go in and fine tune the look as much as you want. I don’t really endorse too many photography items...

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Ready To Make Someone Smile?

Ready To Make Someone Smile?

It is that time again.  Time to take on a huge charity venture to help some kids smile.  My son Dean is helping me promote again this year, so here he is to tell you more…. WHAT IS IT? Operation Smile provides free surgeries to repair cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial deformities for children...

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Let's tell your story with a portrait!

Imagine capturing a moment in time and being able to return to it forever.  A truly timeless portrait goes beyond how someone looks- it tells a story.

Discover the Portrait Experience